Page 109 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 109

Lesson Plan 2  (pg. 1 of 2)

        Below is an example of a lesson plan that includes 90 minutes of speech therapy.  Modify this lesson plan as
                                                                                                     SCHOOL DAYS
        needed to fit your individual needs including  me in the classroom, student services as recommended in the
        educa on plan, and student goals.

           Time       Schedule                            AcFvity                                   Goals

         15 min.    Discrete trials   What do you like to do at school? - reinforcement test/  Establish joint a8en on
                                   preference assessment                                   skills

                                   Joint a8en on protocol                                  Iden fy objects

                                   Suggested objects: colors, coloring pencils, ball, bubbles   Take turns
                                   Iden fy self in picture                                 Prac ce ar cula on

                                   Iden fy teacher in picture

         15 min.    Ques on of the   QoD: “How did you get to school?” (Car/bus)           Iden fy phonemes
                    Day (QoD)
                                   Clinician: Today we are going to talk about school.     Segment syllables

                                   Must have visual pictures of each child and visuals/objects of a    Answer ‘How’ ques on
                                   car and a bus.
                                                                                           Establish joint a8en on
                                   Students choose their picture, put their picture on the board and
                                                                                           Use SVO sentences
                                   say, “I came in a ___.”
                                                                                           Understand quan ta ve
                                   Clinician helps class greet one another.  “Hi, ____!”
                                   Student: “Hi, Friends.”
                                   Clinician reviews how many students came to school in a car and
                                   how many came in a bus.

         5 min.     Language goal   Clinician: Today we are going to learn about our school day.   1. Label: objects
                                   Clinician: What do we do in school every day?           2. Use verbs: use of objects
                                                                                           (e.g. I sit on the carpet)
                                                    What places do we go when we are at school?
                                                                                           3. Answer target ques ons:
                                                    Who do we see at school?
                                   Assess prior knowledge.

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 1   108   Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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