Page 104 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 104

Life Skills InformaFon for Lessons
                    SCHOOL DAYS

                                                                                                  SCHOOL DAYS

                                        Speech and Language Focus:
                                        Iden fy primary loca on, loca on of objects, peers and teachers

                                        Label objects used at school

                                        Describe the func on of objects

                                       Curriculum Skills by Grade:

                                       K.1: The study of the self, home, family, and classroom establishes the founda on for
                                         responsible ci zenship in society.

                                       1.1: Students study their rela onship to the classroom, school, and community to estab-
                                         lish the founda on for responsible ci zenship in society. Students develop concepts of
                                          me and chronology by dis nguishing among past, present, and future events.
                                       2.1: Students focus on a study of their local community.

                                       3.1: Students learn how diverse individuals have changed their communi es and world.
                                       4.21(B): Analyze informa on by sequencing, categorizing, iden fying cause-and-effect
                                         rela onships, comparing, contras ng, finding the main idea, summarizing, making
                                         generaliza ons and predic ons, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

                                       5.24 (B): Analyze informa on by sequencing, categorizing, iden fying cause-and-effect
                                         rela onships, comparing, contras ng, finding the main idea, summarizing, making
                                         generaliza ons and predic ons, and drawing inferences and conclusions.

                                       Suggested Songs:

                                        Days of the Week                     Siete días

                                        Months of the Year                   Meses del año

                                                                             Vamos a cantar (por Juan Luis Orozco)

                                        Materials                               Recipe Ingredients

                                                                                (*per student)

                                        Pictures of students/teachers           1 c. flour, 1/2 c. salt, 1 c. water

                                        Pictures of school/house to iden fy loca on   1 T oil, 2 t. cream of tartar

                                        Pictures of loca ons around the classroom   Food coloring

                                                                                Microwave, bowl, spoon

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