Page 111 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 111


           Physical Impairments                 Felt board  to reduce travel and increase par cipa on with large group,
                                                create removable visuals using Velcro, use a flashlight for poin ng.
           AAC devices                          Visuals and Templates needed:

                                                School Items

                                                Switch Visuals- “Hi, friends,” “school,” “house,” “car,” “bus”

           Visual Impairment                    Use school objects – tac le manipula on to label school items

           Hearing impairment                   Signs, AAC device, pictures/visuals, sentence strips
                                                Signs: friend, book, play
           Behavior                             Personal backpack or bag to put items in or take out, use objects for an-
                                                swering ques ons

                                            CommunicaFon AbiliFes

          Nonverbal                 Joint a8en on

                                    Use picture/word/sign to request preferred object/ac vity
                                    Iden fy peers/teachers
          Nonverbal + gestures      Follow one-step direc ons- “Give me ___”

                                    Point- “Where is the ___?”
                                    Imitate- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons

                                    English: my, in, it, put, sit, cut, write, read, erase
                                    Spanish: mi, tú, él, la, fin, leer, pega, corta

          Low verbal- 1 word        Produce- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons
                                    Label objects

                                    Produce 3 syllable words

                                    English: together, computer

                                    Spanish: dibujar, trabajar, carpeta, tarea, mochila

          Verbal                    Answer basic Wh- ques ons
                                    Possessives, ar cles+nouns

                                    Expand u8erances- “I use my ____ to ____,” sentence strip

                                    Describe seman c rela onships (ex. Paper and pencil go together because…)

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 1   110   Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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