Page 20 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 20
Surprise Bag (10-15 minutes)
The purpose of this ac vity is to introduce vocabulary used in the lesson.
Have all of the students sit in a circle and take turns closing their eyes
and pulling items out of the surprise bag. Surprise items vary according
to the theme. Each chapter includes picture cards that may be printed
and cut apart for quick lesson prepara on. There are also sugges ons for
real objects to be used with each theme in the modifica ons table.
The following is a sample script.
SLP Dialogue Students’ Dialogue Targeted Goal
Close your eyes, put your hand in, and (Pulls out a surprise) 3-step direc ons
pull out a surprise.
Whose turn is it? My turn/David’s turn Reques ng, turn-taking, ‘who’
ques ons
What would you like? I want to grab a surprise Reques ng, sentence expansion
What do you have? A fish Labeling
What can a fish do? Swim Object func on
Please put the fish on the board (Puts the fish on the board) 1-step direc ons
During this ac vity, students can use prior knowledge to predict what they will find in the surprise
bag. This will allow them to demonstrate their knowledge of seman c rela onships such as
categories, parts of a whole, and object func ons. The ac vity also serves to increase vocabulary
by building knowledge of concepts.
Game (10-15 minutes)
Games are an interac ve way for students to get exposure to theme-
based vocabulary. Included in each unit is a printable matching or bingo
game. You can also create a game of ‘fishing’ by tying a magnet on the
end of a string that is a6ached to a s ck and using it to pick up
vocabulary cards that are a6ached to paperclips. In addi on to targe ng speech and
language goals, games are a “real world” way to teach appropriate pragma c skills (i.e.
turn-taking, establishing eye-contact, etc.).
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 19 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved