Page 24 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 24
We have had great success using the following
structure in theme-based units with our students in
life skills classrooms and we know you will too.
These units were designed to be used in a classroom
seCng rather than in isola on. Get the teachers
involved! Teachers and teacher assistants should be
a part of these lessons as well. They may assist with
providing cues, collec ng data, or simply following
along with the rest of the students. This will give
everyone an opportunity to collaborate and discuss
such things as ways to more appropriately modify for a par cular student, ways to carry over
informa on into other academic areas, ways to generalize skills being learned in speech therapy to
other parts of the day, or progress to report to parents. It is a great way to build a collabora ve team
to support students in the life skills classroom.
GeCng Started
We will start with the five basic steps and then cover each step in more detail.
1. Find out the teacher’s schedule and discuss leading one or two por ons of his or her class each
week. Explain the purpose of aligning therapy plans with the curriculum.
2. Ask the teacher what themes he/she is currently focusing on.
3. Iden fy goals of each student and modify the ac vi es using the modifica ons table.
4. Create a basic lesson plan to fit the length of your session using a lesson plan template.
5. Create a visual schedule to aid in organizing your sessions.
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 23 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved