Page 25 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 25

Prepara on for Each Lesson Plan

                1.  Decide when to work with the students and whether the students will be seen in

                    groups or individually.

                   Throughout the academic day teachers and speech-language pathologists can provide their
                   students with many opportuni es to communicate.  For support personnel, such as speech-
                   language pathologists, geCng to know when the teacher and student have difficulty

                   communica ng  can create a great opportunity to get buy-in.  For example, if ea ng  me is
                   difficult, we can help the student to make choices. This leads to mastering communica on goals
                   and reducing the level of frustra on in the classroom.  Addi onally, knowing a teacher’s schedule
                   allows us greater opportuni es to have them par cipate in group ac vi es that we have designed
                   for their students.  It can also provide an opportunity for assistance with individual goals that they
                   would like their students to achieve.

                2.  IdenCfy the current curriculum-based theme

                    By aligning our interven on and ac vi es with the general educa on curriculum we can increase
                   student communica on, support the efforts of other professionals who work with these students,
                   and reduce planning  me.

                    Students progress when they have mul ple opportuni es to prac ce communica ng about a
                   single topic.  When academic content and speech therapy are aligned, the student is using the
                   same vocabulary and gramma cal structures over and over.  When the parents receive homework

                   or informa on on the theme, this offers another opportunity to prac ce.
                    General educa on themes oUen come with materials and manipula ves that are related to the
                   topic.  By choosing the same theme, we reduce our planning  me because the teacher may

                   already have ac vi es that we can support, may have manipula ves and objects that relate to the
                   theme, and may have modifica ons such as augmenta ve communica on set up in advance.

                3.  IdenCfy goals and modify acCviCes

                    Our students oUen have mul ple disabili es and use communica on devices or signing as a form
                    of communica on.  By crea ng a modifica ons page we can easily physically modify materials to
                    allow students with physical and behavioral challenges to par cipate linguis cally.   These

                    modified materials target various levels of nonverbal to verbal communica on.   Each lesson
                    contains modifica on sugges ons related to the theme, and the following page shows how to
                    modify your own materials.

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   24    Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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