Page 30 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
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Lesson Plan Template (pg. 1 of 2)
Theme: __________________________________________ Date:_______________
Below is an example of a 90-minute speech therapy lesson plan. Modify this lesson plan as needed to fit your individual
needs, including me in the classroom, student services recommended in the educa onal plan, and student goals.
Time Schedule Ac vity Goals
15 min. Discrete Individual me is recommended for students who Joint a6en on skills
A. are working on pre-linguis c communica on Iden fying objects
B. have significant behavioral challenges
Ar cula on
C. working on very specific targets
15 min. Ques on Clinician selects a QoD. Phoneme iden fica on
of the Day
Students respond verbal or non-verbally by Syllables
selec ng pictures. Answering ques ons
Joint a6en on
Clinician reviews the students’ responses with the Spa al concepts
SVO sentences
Quan ta ve concepts
5 min. Language Clinician: Today we are going to learn about 1. Label: __________
Goal _________.
2. Verb: __________
Clinician: What do we know about ____________?
3. Target ques ons:
Assess prior knowledge. _________________
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 29 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved