Page 28 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 28
Modi ication Example: Community Workers
Materials are made or gathered around a
topic such as community. They vary in size,
wording, and texture to accommodate
different limita ons. Here are sugges ons
for modifying the ac vity for different
physical or intellectual limita ons.
Physical Impairments Felt board to reduce travel but increase par cipa on with large group,
family member cutouts on popsicle s cks, flashlight/light pointer
AAC Devices Visuals and templates needed: peers, family members, places we go,
switch visuals: house, apartment, mom, dad
Visual Impairment Use objects from tac le schedule to symbolize places: toy house, toy
building (tall building for apartment), dolls/people, mom/dad
Behavior charts, visual schedules, and reward systems
Hearing Impairment Signs: mom, dad, school, AAC device, pictures/visuals, sentence strips
Nonverbal Joint a6en on, use picture/word/sign to request preferred object/
ac vity, iden fy peers/family members/self in pictures
Non Verbal + Gestures Answer who/where ques ons by poin ng to photos/objects
Low Verbal- 1 Word Produce CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons, label objects: places and people in
the community, produce 3-syllable words: family, hospital, lemonade
Verbal Answer basic wh- ques ons, target preposi ons, pronouns, and expand
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 27 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved