Page 23 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 23

Recipe (20-25 minutes)

                                 Each unit includes a printable recipe.  The steps of the recipe are sequenced with

                                 pictures and words to help students request materials, describe what they are
                                 doing and review how they created the end product. The recipe ac vity is an
                                 extremely func onal, “real world” applica on of the curriculum.  Students can
                                 target mul ple communica on goals during this ac vity.  More ac ve students
                  who benefit from hands-on ac vi es may enjoy the freedom to move around while s ll

                  engaging with the group and comple ng a specific task.

                All of the ac vi es in our lesson plans reinforce the topic of each unit through the use of games,

                craUs, or recipes.  Many students who are not able to par cipate during story- me may be able to re-

                join the group and par cipate in more kinesthe c ac vi es that allow them to move about the room.
                The games that we play can involve the picture cards used during the surprise bag ac vity.  We can

                play a matching game in which students are expected to find pairs of picture cards.  This allows them

                the opportunity to learn language concepts, such as same and different.  It allows them the
                opportunity to prac ce naming or formula ng sentences.  It also enforces pragma c skills such as

                wai ng, turn-taking, winning or losing graciously, congratula ng another and/or accep ng

                congratula ons graciously.   Similarly,  the craU and recipe ac vi es can be used to target a variety of

                goals while allowing students to be successful in comple ng a func onal daily living task.

                Note: To condense the lesson plan, choose either a game, craO or recipe to use for the lesson plan that day. The same
                lesson plan can be used several Cmes (by teachers and other professionals) using a different acCvity for each day.

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   22    Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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