Page 35 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 35
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment AcCviCes—Volume 2
Language Focus:
Iden fy and/or label animals and places.
Categorize animals based on where they live and/or by a6ributes.
Explain seman c rela onships between objects.
Curriculum Skills by Grade:
K. Examine evidence that living organisms have basic needs, such as food, water,
and shelter for animals.
1. Inves gate how the external characteris cs of an animal are related to where it
lives, how it moves, and what it eats.
2. Compare and give examples of the ways living organisms depend on each other
and on their environments.
3. Explore how structures and func ons of animals allow them to survive in a
par cular environment.
4. Explore how adapta ons enable organisms to survive in their environment.
5. Compare the structures and func ons of different species that help them live
and survive.
Suggested Songs:
English Spanish
Five li6le monkeys– Juan Luis Orozco Cinco monitos– Juan Luiz Orozco
Octopus– Charlo6e Diamond Un pulpito– Charlo6e Diamond
Materials Recipe Ingredients (*per student)
Paper plates 1 bo6le of water
Scissors 2-3 drops of blue food coloring
Glue 1 tbs brown sugar
Crayons 1 Swedish fish, 1 gummy worm,
Popsicle s cks 1 gummy octopus, 1 gummy shark
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 34 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved