Page 15 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 15

and ini a ng joint a6en on, which are usually implemented in individual sessions, follow.

                      1.  Response to being handed an object

                      2.  Response to tapping on an object

                      3.  Response to poin ng to an object at a very close distance

                      4.  Response to poin ng to an object from at least 3 feet away

                      5.  Response to poin ng to an object at 8 feet away

                   Use Preference Assessments

                   Some students may require discrete trial training or behavioral strategies to learn new
                   communica on skills.  Using the most effec ve
                   reinforcers will increase a person’s mo va on to work for
                                                                                    Item             Time
                   those reinforcers (Cuomo, 2012).  Preference assessments
                   are systema c ways of determining what items may act as          rocking horse    3 s
                   reinforcers.  There are many different types of preference        princess book    15 s

                   assessments; however, we have included two methods
                                                                                    rocking horse    0 s
                                                                                    Barbie           10 s
                   A single-item preference assessment is recommended for           princess book    15 s
                   ranking objects or ac vi es in order of preference.
                                                                                    Barbie           5 s
                   Present one object at a  me and record how long the
                   student engages with the item.  Present all items in
                   random order un l all op ons have been presented.  A sample

                   data collec on will look like the example to the
                   right.                                                   Pairing               Selected

                   A pair-wise preference assessment is recommended         chip and cheese       cheese

                   for ranking edible reinforcers in order of preference.    cracker and chip     cracker

                   To conduct a pair-wise assessment, present two           cheese and cracker    cheese
                   food items at one  me.  When the student chooses

                   their preferred item from the choice of two, remove the other item and present two new choices.

                   Con nue to present two choices un l all items have been paired.

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   14    Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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