Page 183 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 183
Physical Impairments– Low Mobility Modifica on:
Felt/dry erase board in order to reduce travel, hand print or brush for
craU ac vity
AAC Devices Visuals and Templates needed:
1. weather template
2. calendar template
Bingo!, Next, I’m so close!, I need more paint!
This is messy!, Clean up on aisle 5.
Careful!, Is it too hot?!, This is delicious!
Visual Impairment Objects: images of seasons, leaves, spray boDle, fan, faux flower, flash-
light, bag of ice, hea ng pad
Hearing Impairment Signs: hot/cold, light/dark
Visuals: story boards and sentence strips
Behavior Personal object/ac vity:
Calendar helper
Weather reporter as a reward for posi ve behavior
CommunicaCon AbiliCes
Nonverbal Joint a6en on
Use picture/word/sign to request preferred object/ac vity
Iden fy: seasons, weather, objects in the sky, temperatures (hot/cold), qualita ve
concepts (light/dark)
Nonverbal + Gestures Follow direc ons: direc ons during surprise bag ac vity, “Go to the window”, “Look
out the window”, etc.
Imitate- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons
English: up, go, do, down, moon, sun, ship, light, night, white, rain, red, blue
Spanish: que, veo, ver, por, mis, mas, sol, luz, hace, rojo, azul, sigue
Low Verbal- 1 Word Produce- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons
Label objects: sun, moon, star, cloud, rain, snow, wind, rain, winter, summer, spring,
fall, rainbow
Verbal Expressive Goals:
Increase mean-length of u6erance adjec ve + noun (purple balloon)
Sentence strip: I like to (verb phrase) in the (season).
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 182 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved