Page 177 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 177
Physical Impairments Felt board for less travel and par cipa on with large group
Velcro QoD on the board, put Velcro behind community members visuals
and places visuals and have them answer ques ons by puAng pictures
under the answer.
AAC devices Visuals and Templates needed:
Family members
Places we go
Visual Impairment Use objects from tac le schedule to symbolize places we go
Toy house
Toy building (tall building for apartment)
Dolls/people– community members (police, teacher, firefighter, etc.)
Hearing impairment Signs, AAC device, pictures/visuals, sentence strips
“friend,” “teacher,” “help”
Behavior Community members on popsicle s cks (police, teacher, firefighter, li-
brarian, etc.)
CommunicaFon AbiliFes
Non-verbal Joint a8en on
Use pictures/words/signs to request preferred object/ac vity
Iden fy peers/family members/self in pictures
Nonverbal + gestures Follow one step direc ons-point to (community member or place)
Imitate- VC, CV, CVC, VCV, CVCV combina ons
English: we, you, me, had, came, lamp, walk
Spanish: yo, tú, vi, fui, van, casa, bici, parque, niño
Low verbal- 1 word Produce- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons
Label objects
Produce 3 syllable words
English: family, yesterday, bicycle, neighborhood
Spanish: cartero, bombero, vecinos, garaje, amigo, juguetes, camisa
Verbal Answer basic Wh- ques ons using phrases
Expand u8erances- “The ___ works in the ___.(I.e. “The teacher works in the
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 1 176 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved