Page 128 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 128

Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook

                Bathtime                                                                              10

                Speech and Language Session Focus


                       To  a  parent,  imita on  is  o en  thought  of  as  copying  a  body

                movement or repea ng a phrase, “Say ______.”  However, imita on is

                a two‐way street.  It is just as important for us to repeat what a child

                says as it is for them to repeat what we say.  This is their feedback to

                know if they have successfully said or did what you asked of them.  We
                are  familiar with  all  of the speech  components involved  in saying  a

                word.    Proper  volume,  resonance  (i.e., the use of  the  nose and  the  mouth),  rhythm,  and

                intona on (i.e., raising and lowering your voice) all must be present along with the sounds
                that make up the word.  When all these aspects are present, we say that a child repeated a

                word or  imitated what  we said  correctly.  Sharing the complexi es  of  oral  speech  is  very

                important  for  parents  to  know  because  they  can  s ll  be  working  on  suppor ng  skills  like

                imita ng sounds or facial movements even though their child may not be speaking yet.  This
                way, parents and  teachers celebrate small triumphs while s ll  building  a  base  for

                communica on.

                       Bath  me is a great opportunity to prac ce imita on  It takes place in an acous cally

                confined space and provides one‐on‐one  me without other distrac ons.  Songs can be used
                during  this rou ne  to provide all  the  necessary aspects of  speech  without  ge ng  too

                technical.  Moreover, children love music and few things are more mo va onal.

                Today’s Plan
                       Use the bath  me rou ne to iden fy a child’s communica ve strengths. Use these as a

                base to begin to build speech and to mo vate the parent.

                Encourage the parent to:

                        Use songs if a child is not speaking.  Single sounds or single syllables could be out of
                           a child’s range for a star ng point.

                        Sing or hum with a child during any daily ac vity.

                        Use  songs  that contain linguis c concepts  (e.g., “Itsy Bitsy Spider,”  “Head,

                           Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”).  Made‐up songs are great too!
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