Page 95 - Difference or Disorder Digital Version
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Difference or Disorder?


                   Note: Sentences marked with an asterisk (*) are awkward or not grammatical.

                    Feature          Spanish                English            Examples of Errors
                    Word order       Flexible               Strict Subject‐    The ball he threw.*/ He
                                                            Verb‐Object order  threw the ball.
                    Possessives      noun+of+person         ’s                 The car of my mom is
                                                                               blue*/ My mom’s car is
                    Adjectives       Adjective follows      Adjective          The ball big bounced.*/
                                     noun                   precedes noun      The big ball bounced.
                    Present tense    5‐6 forms, determined  2 forms:           She talk to me.* / She
                    verb inflection   by subject:           I eat              talks to me.
                                     Yo como                You eat
                                     Tú comes               He eats
                                     Él/Ella/Ud. come       We eat
                                     Nosotros comemos       You all eat
                                     Vosotros coméis        They eat
                                     Ellos comen
                    Use of subject   Pro‐drop               Pronoun is always   Looks for the frog* / He
                    pronouns                                required           looks for the frog.
                    Regular past     5‐6 forms, determined  One form (‐ed)     She walk to the store* /
                    tense            by subject                                She walked to the store.
                    Double object    Can be used            Cannot be used     I saw him the man*/ I saw
                    pronoun                                                    the man
                    Double negative  Can be used            Cannot be used     I don’t want to do
                                                                               nothing*/ I don’t want to
                                                                               do anything.
                    Question         Questions marked by    Questions marked  You give me a sticker?*/
                    formation        inflection or question   by word order    Will you give me a sticker?
                                     words                  inversion,
                                                            question words,    What you think?*/ What
                                                            or addition of do    do you think?

                                                                               We can go?* / Can we go?
                    Multi‐purpose    Verbs with multiple    Verbs with         I have 4 years*/ I am four
                    verbs            meanings that do not   multiple meanings  years old.
                                     always correspond to   that do not always
                                     English                correspond to      Do you have hunger?*/
                                                            Spanish            Are you hungry?
                   (Bedore, Peña, & Kester, 2007; Goldstein & Iglesias, 2006; Kester & Gorman, 2004;
                   MacWhinney & Bates, 1989)


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