Page 109 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 109


                                                                                       CITY AND COUNTRY


             Physical Impairments               Felt board  to reduce travel and increase par cipa on with large group.,
                                                removable visuals using Velcro, flashlight for poin ng.
             AAC Devices                        Visuals and Templates needed:

                                                1.  community-based loca ons/school loca ons
                                                2.  community members/family/ peers


                                                Stop!, Go!, Where do you live?, Where should we go next?
             Visual Impairment                  Objects:

                                                 Toy vehicles, farm animal toys

             Hearing Impairment                 Signs: city, country, car, horse, boy, girl
                                                Visuals: see story boards and sentence strips

             Behavior                           Personal object/ac vity:

                                                 Play Red Light, Green Light

                                            CommunicaCon AbiliCes

            Nonverbal                 Joint a6en on

                                      Use picture/word/sign to request preferred object/ac vity
                                      Iden fy: types of transporta on, signs, traffic lights
            Nonverbal + Gestures      Follow direc ons: “stop,” “go,” “go to (loca on)”

                                       Imitate- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons
                                      English: my, go, out, take, car, autobús, life, look, light,  cow, house

                                      Spanish: mi, tu, el, la, alto, carro, bos, luz, mira, vida, vaca, casa

            Low Verbal- 1 Word        Produce- CV, VCV, CVCV combina ons

                                      Label objects:   apartment,  house, city, country, park, field, car, tractor, horse, cow,
                                      people, light

                                      Target words: stop, go
            Verbal                    Expressive Goals:

                                      Increase MLU:  preposi onal phrases

                                      Sentence strip:   “I like to (verb phrase) in the (loca on).”

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   108   Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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