Page 31 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 31

Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook

                Greetings                                                                                2

                Speech and Language Session Focus

                                         Two-word Utterances

                       Acknowledgement is an important bond between a parent and a

                child.  This  natural  need to  interact with  each other creates a
                mo va onal  opportunity  to  use  two  words  together.    This  can  be  as

                simple as a gree ng (e.g., “Hi,” “Bye,” “High five”) paired with a family

                member’s name.  Or, a child can be  possessive of  his  or her parent  and  announce,  “My

                Daddy,” to show his or her excitement.
                       The transi on between one‐word u erances and two‐word u erances is o en difficult

                and can take a long  me.  Two‐word u erances are most easily borne out of the combina on

                of two words that the child already uses.  Gree ngs and family member names happen to

                comprise two of the highest‐frequency word groups across all languages.

                Today’s Plan

                Parents should be encouraged to:

                        Have their child greet family and visitors every  me they come home or leave.

                        Request a physical interac on such as a high five, hand shake, or hug.

                        Say the parent’s name and/or child’s name along with the physical interac on, such
                           as “Give me five, (child’s name)!”

                        Iden fy a gree ng that is extremely fun for the child so that he/she looks forward

                           to it.  For example, a parent can swing the child around when they greet each

                           other, run from them playfully, or have a secret hand shake.

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