Page 22 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 22
Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
Daily Routine 1
Speech and Language Session Focus
Having a Plan
Service providers and parents alike find it challenging to create
consistent changes in the home so that a child’s communica on
improves. The service provider works to encourage change, but o en
returns for the next family visit to find that sugges ons did not work or
were not carried out.
Meanwhile, parents become excited by success during sessions but have difficulty
replica ng these behaviors when working with their child alone. Success in home‐based
interven on is dependent on parents taking the communica on strategies that lead to success
and using them on a daily basis.
The purpose of the introductory session is to let the parent know that we have a plan,
it is long‐term, and that we are on the same team. During this session, it is important to
communicate to the parent that:
We understand how busy they are and we will add nothing to their day, only make
each event more language‐rich.
We understand how difficult it is to have a child with a delay or disorder, and will
be working with them and remain a consistent resource.
For a successful program, both the parent and the interven onist will have to work
to increase the child’s communica on.
Both par es need to note what works and what does not. This feedback is the only
way we are going to make consistent progress.
Today’s Plan
Talk about the different daily rou nes and write down how the child communicates
during each rou ne.
Have the parents iden fy which rou nes are most important to the family.
Iden fy frustra ng situa ons and address them during the next session.
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