Page 19 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 19

Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook

                  Time                 Activity                          A Sample Script

                 9:00‐9:05   Review  the  plan  for  the  session  First, we are going to review the strategies you
                             with the family.                  have used with your child and talk about how he/
                                                               she responded.  We will discuss which strategies
                                                               we want to focus on today and demonstrate how
                                                               to implement them.   Then you will have an
                                                               opportunity  to  prac ce  using  the  strategy  with
                                                               your child.    At  the  end  of the session,  we will
                                                               make a plan for you to implement the strategy in
                                                               daily rou nes with your child.

                 9:05‐9:15   Review  of  progress:  clinician  will  Have there been any medical updates or changes
                             take  data  on  strategy  used  and  in  the  family  since  our  last  visit  (e.g.,  hearing
                             progress/no progress observed.    eval, pediatrician visit, etc.)?

                                                               How did your child do this week?  Let’s update
                                                               the  Data Collec on Sheet with  the  new  words
                                                               that  your  child  uses  and  understands.    What
                                                               strategies  did  you  use  and  how  did  he/she
                                                               respond?    Can  you  describe  how  you  used
                                                               modeling  during the bath rou ne?  Let’s look at
                                                               the progress you noted in your parent handbook.

                 9:15‐9:20   Choose  the  daily  rou ne,  and  Okay, would you like to con nue with modeling
                             important  words  and  strategy  to  or are you ready to try a new strategy?
                             focus on.
                                                               You  are  doing  a  great  job  modeling  during  the
                             Write  it  in  each  corresponding  bath rou ne. Let’s  try  to  use  expansion to
                             sec on.                           increase your child’s use of verbs.  Let’s choose a
                                                               few important verbs to focus on this week.  I will
                                                               write  them  in  your  parent  handbook.  During
                                                               which  daily  rou ne  would  you  like  to  try
                                                               expansion? Meal me or play me?

                 9:20‐9:40   Demonstrate  the  use  of  the  First, I will model how I  expand on your child’s
                             strategy and give  the  family  u erances,  then  we  will  switch  and  you  will
                             opportuni es to prac ce using the  prac ce using the expansion strategy.
                             strategy in different ac vi es.

                 9:40‐9:45*  Write up the note and review with  Today, we  have reviewed  your child’s progress,
                             parents.                          chosen a new strategy, prac ced using the new
                                                               strategy,  and  have  set  a  goal  for  your  next
                                                               session. I would like you to use the strategy in at
                                                               least  three  different  se ngs  and  keep  track  of
                                                               how  your  child  responds  in  your  parent
                                                               handbook. Great job, I will see you next week at
                                                               9:00 a.m.
                *Example is based on a 45‐minute home visit.

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