Page 92 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 92

Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook

                In the Car                                                                           7.1

                  ACTIVITY IDEAS:

                   Describe vehicles you see using descrip ve words (e.g., big truck, red bike,
                    fast car, loud horn).

                 Model using complete sentences to help your child tell you what they see
                    while riding in the car (e.g., “I see a big truck,”  “I see a cow”).

                 Sing the “Wheels on the Bus” song and encourage imita on of ac ons and
                I will help my child by:

                 _______________________________________________________________

                 _______________________________________________________________

                My child will:
                                                                                      Therapist Suggests:



                What happened?

                    ‐What did you do?
                    ‐What did your child say or do?
                    ‐What ques ons do you have?




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