Page 90 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 90
Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
In the Car 7
Speech and Language Session Focus
In order to provide the best opportunity to describe an object or
event, a comparison needs to be made. Intui vely, interven onists
choose a group of like objects (e.g., blocks) and help a child to iden fy
what may be different (e.g., color, size). Driving in a car presents many
natural opportuni es to prac ce this skill.
A simple errand or trip across town provides views of similar objects that are
constantly changing. Passengers are surrounded by vehicles, buildings, trees, and signs. These
objects vary by size and color as the car changes loca ons. Encourage the caregivers to
choose one group (e.g., cars) as we do in the clinical se ng and highlight differences (e.g., big
car, blue car). Objects can be described in several forms such as, comments (e.g., “Look at
the…”), observa ons (e.g., “That … is big!), or by playing games (e.g., “I spy with my li le
Today’s Plan
Explain how driving me can be used to describe objects.
Parents should be encouraged to:
Iden fy groups of like objects that the child can compare (e.g., cars, blocks).
Describe the colors and sizes of cars on the road.
Choose an object (e.g., trees) and describe it in many different ways.
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