Page 137 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 137
Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
Teaching Imitation Skills 10.4
advanced content even though their reading skills are not fully developed. The
repe ous nature creates a familiarity so that the child knows what is next and
can imitate you while reading or act out the movements of the characters. If
you are working with a 4‐year‐old or older child who is behind, repe ve and
predictable books are a great place to begin.
School‐age Children – By the me a child has entered school, books layer academic
themes across the stories narra ve. Size, numbers, le ers, colors, shapes, and
emo ons can be rapidly introduced by reading a single text. Whole categories
of animals or any vocabulary topic are at our finger ps. A true demonstra on
of a book’s teaching power lies in the ease with which a child recites whole
passages by the second me they are reading it. Grade school books are highly
repe ve but they also allow a child to prac ce and apply what they learned in
school when they are paired with academic themes. For school‐age children,
send a book home that matches what is being taught. If you are a parent, ask a
teacher what is being taught each week and hit the library to allow for carryover
at home.
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