Page 8 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 1 Digital Version
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The visual schedule on the following page can be reproduced to
schedule your day. Print and laminate the lesson plan
components. Choose the activities for the day and use them to
visually show progress and completion. Each theme includes a
variety of activities to provide flexibility in intervention and all
components can be completed in a single day.
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The first two activities, attendance/greeting and calendar, are the same for every
lesson. The other activities vary according to the theme. Activities may be
chosen according to the needs of the students and desired length of the lesson.
The first four activities are suggested to be done with all of the students in the
class. For the following activities, it is optional to split the class into groups of
three or four students to rotate through the other activities. This is ideal when the
teacher and/or aide is able to participate in running the activities.
It takes one or several days to complete all of the activities in each section. This
works great for the classroom setting. During small group instruction or during
speech therapy, open each session with the calendar and/or greetings. Then
choose one to three activities and close with a review. This way, fresh activities
can be completed each session while remaining on the same topic to ensure
repetition of vocabulary and concepts.
Do you have children with behavioral difficulties?
Professionals who work with children who have behavior difficulties know that
poor behavior can be rapidly reduced if the child is “given” control of the
situation. This visual schedule allows the child to choose his preferred activity
and the order while working on activities the professional chooses. The child’s
choice is still on topic but he has a sense of control in making the decision.
These activities can be completed in individual sessions or in small groups.
1. Attendance/Greeting 6. Articulation Station 11. Recipe
2. Calendar 7. Phonology Practice 12. Game
3. Song 8. Mini Books 13. Homework Sheet
4. Surprise Bag 9. Table Activities
5. Literacy Center 10. Craft
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1 7 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved.