Page 5 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 1 Digital Version
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In order for this solution to be a success, we knew that it had to be something that could be
synthesized into the current schedule of the day. That is why these language-rich lesson plans have
Attendance / Greeting Calendar Song
Surprise Bag Literacy Articulation
Phonology Mini Books Table Activity
Crafts Recipe Game
been designed around 12 common academic activities.
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Children use their language to convey what they know. Teachers are responsible for presenting a
topic and then measuring whether a child has learned it or not. However, if a child does not respond
or is incorrect, how do we know if:
the topic is unfamiliar to the student
the student knows but cannot communicate his response effectively
the student does not know
It all looks the same right? In each instance the student has either not answered or answered
incorrectly. Language-rich activities provide support so students readily share what they know.
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The majority of students who receive speech therapy spend thirty minutes or one hour per week with
their speech therapist. This equates to three percent of a child’s academic day. That means that the
majority of a child’s time is spent with her parents and her teacher. We also know that the more
ways (multi-modal) and times (opportunities) a child practices a skill, the more she will be successful.
By using classroom themes we not only access vocabulary topics, but we also provide a way for each
student to practice newly acquired communication skills on a topic that she is familiar with. Plus, the
homework provides greater communication opportunities through interactions with the parent.
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Aligns to the school curriculum
Is multi-modal
Hands-on, table-time, floor time
Has buy-in from all educational professionals
Increases parent involvement
Can be used in a variety of settings
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1 4 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved.