Page 211 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 211

Best Books for Literacy-Based Intervention

               Goal: Sequencing

                      English Title                Spanish Title                 Description

                 The Three Little Pigs      Los tres cerditos             The three pigs find out whose
                                                                          house really is the strongest
                                                                          when they each stand up to
                                                                          the big, bad wolf.

                 The Three Billy Goats Gruff   Los tres chivitos          The Three Billy Goats Gruff
                                                                          live on a hillside and they have
                                                                          to cross an old bridge guarded
                                                                          by a terrible troll.

                 Goldilocks and the Three Bears   Ricitos de oro y los tres osos   The three bears return home
                                                                          and realize that a curious girl
                                                                          has made herself at home in
                                                                          their cottage.
                 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on   Cinco monitos brincando en la cama   Five Little Monkeys Jumping
                 the Bed                                                  on the Bed.  Title kind of says
                                                                          it all.

                 The Very Hungry Caterpillar   La oruga muy hambrienta    The very hungry caterpillar
                                                                          literally eats his way through
                                                                          the pages of the book and
                                                                          through a whole series of
                 Are You My Mother?         ¿Eres tú mi mamá?             A baby bird goes in search of
                                                                          his mother and meets all sorts
                                                                          of animals along the way.

                 There's a Wocket in My Pocket!   Hay un molillo en mi bolsillo!   There's a Wocket in My Pocket is
                                                                          filled with bizarre creatures
                                                                          and rhymes: the nupboard in
                                                                          the cupboard, ghairs beneath
                                                                          the stairs, and the bofa on the
                 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What   Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí?   A big happy frog, a plump
                 Do You See?                                              purple cat, a handsome blue
                                                                          horse, and a soft yellow duck--
                                                                          all parade across the pages of
                                                                          this delightful book.

                 Froggy Gets Dressed        Froggie se viste              Rambunctious Froggy hops
                                                                          out into the snow for a winter
                                                                          frolic but is called back by his
                                                                          mother to put on some
                                                                          necessary articles of clothing.

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