Page 208 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 208
Literacy-Based Speech Language Therapy Activities
Goal: Action Verbs
English Title Spanish Title Description
Cookie’s Week La semana de cookie This story follows a
mischievous kitten throughout
each day of the week.
Go Diego Go! To the Rescue!/ ¡Al A bilingual (Spanish/English)
rescate! board book with interactive,
and voice output buttons.
If You Give a Pig a Pancake Si le das un panqueque a una A pig is given a pancake
cerdita leading to a chain of comical
If You Give a Moose a Muffin Si le das un panecillo a un alce A surprise guest invites
himself in and takes advantage
of a boy’s hospitality in an
entertaining way.
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Si le das una galletita a un ratón When a mouse invites himself
into the house and is given a
cookie, a number of
entertaining consequences
Knuffle Bunny El conejito Knuffle On an errand to the
laundromat, Trixie loses her
beloved stuffed bunny, and he
gets into mischief left alone.
Froggy Gets Dressed Froggy se viste A frog goes to play in the
snow, only to be reminded by
his mother that he needs to
put on more clothes each time.
The Little Old Lady Who Wasn’t La viejecita que no le tenía miedo a The story of a lady who never
Afraid of Anything nada gets scared, until one night she
is followed by haunted clothes
that form a scarecrow.
The Gingerbread Man El hombre de pan de jengibre A couple makes a child out of
gingerbread. He comes to life
and escapes them.