Page 203 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 203

Best Books for Literacy-Based Intervention

               Great Books for Literacy-Based


               What Makes a Book Great for Speech Therapy?

               Many SLPs love books and we tend to gravitate to our
               same favorite books year after year.  If it is not obvious by
               this point, we love children’s books.

                 But why do we choose the books we choose?  Why
                                 some but not all?

               As it turns out, as SLPs we look at books very differently

               (and are often much more picky) than educators, authors,
               librarians, and parents.  Working with bilingual children,
               the ante is upped even more because the resources are

               limited. This got us all thinking about what makes a book
               seem “good” to our SLP brains.

               Key criteria that are important in selecting successful books for speech therapy.

                     Ample opportunities for the child to participate
                     The ability to work on specific goals in the context of the book

                     A structure that enables easier story-telling
                     Opportunities for practice of specific sounds

                     Obvious sequencing
                     Good Illustrations

                     Intrigue that allows us to ask “what if…” and inferencing questions.

               We divided the books in this section by common goals and age/grade.  You could make an argument

               that some books go into different (or many) categories.  However, these are how we search for these
               books most often.  When applicable, we included the Spanish title.

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