Page 196 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 196
Literacy-Based Speech Language Therapy Activities
Song Stories
A song story is a story that contains rhyming
words, refrains, or patterns that are used
throughout the story. Song stories can be a
wonderful addition to our therapy as they are an
extremely motivating tool and provide greater
opportunity for engagement for little ones.
Such as Wheels on the Bus.
Song stories are great for
therapy because:
They make therapy so much fun and will make children even more excited and engaged
about participating in therapy.
They are conducive to teaching speech paired with gestures which can be incredibly helpful
for children who are working on gaining basic vocabulary.
They can easily be used to target early developing sounds and provide younger children with
more repetition.
They can be a great way to introduce a new theme or topic and provide them with exposure
to new vocabulary.
Children with whom songs and song stories are used frequently will begin to anticipate the
inclusion of a song and can be motivated by choosing one of their favorites.
Making use of melody and rhythm within speech and language therapy has been shown to be
a successful strategy with students who have fluency impairments to boost confidence,
apraxia to increase length of utterance, and autism to increase joint attention and engage the
How to use Song Stories in Speech Therapy
As an example, here is one of our favorite song stories,
and how we like to use it in therapy to target a variety of
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed/Cinco
monitos brincando en la cama
by Eileen Christelow