Page 195 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 195

Creating Incredible Games that Match Story Content

                                            Llama Llama Red      Plot:  Baby Llama turns bedtime into an
                                                 Pajama           all-out llama drama when he wants his
                                            La llama llama rojo
                                                  pijama           Why we like it:  Good way to express
                                                                wants and needs, deal with fears, and make
                                                                 requests.  Good use of plural words and
                                                                           initial /r/ words.
                                           Giraffes Can't Dance    Plot:  Gerald the giraffe’s legs are too
                                                                 skinny and his neck is too long to be able
                                           Las jirafas no pueden  to dance but then he gets up the courage.
                                                                  Why we like it: It teaches acceptance of
                                                                   yourself and others and also teaches
                                                                discovering unknown abilities. Great book
                                                                    for description, body parts, animal
                                                                       vocabulary, and self-esteem.
                                              Frog on a Log      Plot:  Cats sit on mats, hares sit on chairs,
                                                                 mules sit on stools, and frogs sit on logs.
                                                                Each animal's designated seat rhymes with
                                                                 that animal's name. The cat explains: "It's
                                                                  about doing the right thing." The frog
                                                                           does not want to!

                                                                 Why we like it:  Power to the little people
                                                                 for standing up for what they want! Great
                                                                 rhyming, sequencing, and categorization.

                                               The Gruffalo          Plot:  Mouse goes for a walk in a
                                                                dangerous forest. To scare off his enemies
                                                El Gruffalo       he invents tales of a fantastical creature
                                                                 called the Gruffalo which turns out to be

                                                                  Why we like it:  Great repetitive rhyme.
                                                                   Filled with almost all target sounds.
                                                                  Amazing description, forest and animal
                                                The Lorax        Plot:  The Lorax protects the planet from
                                                                mindless progress. A timely message and a
                                                 El Lorax        bonus that most kids know the plot from
                                                                              the movie.

                                                                   Why we like it: Full of /r/, /l/, /s/
                                                                  sounds and clusters.   Lots of questions
                                                                  and answers and opportunities to make
                                                                      prediction based on behavior.

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