Page 111 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
P. 111

Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook
                 Teaching Categorization                                                            8.4

                sec ons of a supermarket, centers in a classroom.  Categoriza on allows us to describe:  e.g.
                colors, shapes, sizes, temperature, number.  Categoriza on enables us to differen ate:  e.g.

                animals that fly, crawl, walk, have feathers, have skin, have hair.  Categoriza on also lets us

                talk about things we have not learned the name of yet.  This is called circumlocu on and we

                all use this strategy.  For example, “You know that animal that’s a bird, but it doesn’t fly, and it

                lives where it is cold. What is called?  A penguin!”  Let’s begin with a hierarchy of categoriza‐
                 on skills and then we’ll share some ac vi es.

                Categoriza on Skill Hierarchy

                        Match objects to their pictures

                        Match objects that are the same (two iden cal pictures)

                        Sort a small number of objects into two groups (red and green)

                        Sort a group of objects by one feature (all red objects)
                        Choose an object and place it in one of many categories based on name or

                           a ribute (color)

                        Sort mul ple objects into mul ple categories (cleaning up toys)

                        Name categories (these are all….)
                        Name the category of an animal (a dog is an animal)

                        Provide names of objects when given a category (tell me all of the X you can think


                        Express similari es and differences that enable something to be categorized
                        Tell why an object doesn’t belong in a category (because those are all fish and this

                           is a bird)

                       Teaching categoriza on skills is the process of iden fying where your child falls on the

                hierarchy, improving those skills and then moving up to the next level of difficulty.

                Categoriza on Ac vi es

                       1.  Book Reading – There are many great fic on and non‐fic on books showing

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