Page 33 - Difference or Disorder Digital Version
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Difference or Disorder?


                   Note: Sentences marked with an asterisk (*) are not grammatical.

                    Feature         Czech                 English              Examples of Errors
                    Word order      Flexible.  Allowed    Strict Subject‐Verb‐  To store went by car
                                    orders include: SVO,   Object order        aunt.* /My aunt went
                                    OVS, SOV, OSV.                             to the store.
                    Possessives     Add different ending   ’s                  The dog of my mother
                                    to name or object                          is sick.*/My mother’s
                                    that is possessed                          dog is sick.
                    Verb inflection  5‐6 forms,           2 present tense      A variety of verb errors.
                                    determined by         forms:               Unmarked third person
                                    subject:              I eat                present tense is a
                                    Ja  (I) Jím                           You eat    common error.
                                    Ty (you‐informal) Jíš       He/She/It eats
                                    Vy (you‐formal)  Jíte       We eat         He eat bread.*/He eats
                                    On, Ona, Ono(He,      They eat             bread.
                                    she, it)  Jí
                                    My (we)  Jíme
                                    Oní (they)  Její
                    Pronouns        Pronouns are omitted  Pronoun is always    Drinks water.*/He
                                    when they can be      required             drinks water.
                                    inferred from
                    Regular past    Many forms,           One form (‐ed)       Past tense verbs may be
                    tense           determined by                              unmarked:
                                    subject                                    He play baseball.*/ He
                                                                               played baseball.
                    Negatives       “no” precedes verb    “not” follows        She not eat. */ She
                                                          copula,              doesn’t eat.
                                                          precedes any other
                    Double          Allowed               Not allowed          I don’t want no more.
                    negatives                                                  */ I don’t want any
                    Question        Marked by inflection   Word order          You like this?*/ Do you
                    formation                             inversion or addition  like this?
                                                          of “do”
                    Articles        Do not exist          One definite: the;   I have dog.*/ I have a
                                                          two indefinite: a, an   dog.
                    Prepositions    Present, but there is   Present, but there is   I saw it in television.*/ I
                                    not a 1:1             not a one‐to‐one     saw it on television.
                                    correspondence with   correspondence
                                    English prepositions   with Czech                                             21
                    (Barton, 2012; Czech, n.d.;  Remediosova & Cechova, 2005)
                    Present         Does not exist        Exists               I drink a soda now.*/
                    continuous                                                 I’m drinking a soda
                    verb form                                                  now.

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