Page 27 - Difference or Disorder Digital Version
P. 27

Difference or Disorder?


                   Note: Sentences marked with an asterisk (*) are not grammatical.

                      Feature            Arabic              English           Examples of Errors
                    Word order     Subject‐Verb‐Object   Strict Subject‐Verb‐  He went Brian to the
                                   (MSA & many          Object order         school.* /Brian went to
                                   colloquial Arabic                         school.
                    Possessives    Possessor follows    ____’s (singular     This is the book the
                                   object.              noun)                teacher. * /This is the
                                                        ____s’ (plural noun)   teacher’s book.
                    Adjectives     Adjective follows    Adjective precedes   The ball big. */ The big
                                   noun                 noun                 ball.
                    Verb           10 verbal forms:     2 present tense      A variety of verb errors,
                    inflection     Each set has its own   forms:             including unmarked third
                                   set of active and    I eat                person present:
                                   passive participles    You eat
                                                        He eats              He walk to the store. * /He
                                   Imperfect and        We eat               walks to the store.
                                   perfect aspect forms  You all eat
                                   of each verb also    They eat
                                                        Past tense uses the
                                                        same form for each
                    Modal verbs    Do not exist         Do exist             From the possible that I
                                                                             am late. * /I may be late.
                    Definite       The definite article   Definite articles are   Alcoffee is ready.*/The
                    articles       “al” is a prefix     words that precede   coffee is ready.
                                   attached to a noun    the noun
                    Indefinite     Do not exist         Do exist             I gave him sheet of paper.
                    articles                                                 * /I gave him a sheet of
                    Question       Questions are        Word order           When I can call you? *
                    formation      marked by a          inversion or addition  /When can I call you?
                                   question word; no    of “do”
                                   change in word
                    Nominal        One of the most      Less common;         I boy.*/I am a boy.
                    sentence       common sentence      typically used in
                                   structures           rhetoric or casual


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