Page 16 - CB Speech Therapy Activities Example
P. 16

All About Me Unit Content

                 Section        Schedule                    Activity                           Goals

                 A               Surprise     Cut out body part picture              •  Following directions
                                   Bag        cards                                  •  Utterance expansion

                                              Other options:                         •  What/Where
                                              •  Mr. Potato Head                        questions

                                              •  Stuffed animals                     •  Turn taking

                                              •  Animal puppets

                 B             Articulation  Body part related words                 •  Production of correct
                                 Station       organized by sound for                   sounds in words and
                                               articulation targets                     phrases

                                               Record target sounds for
                                               auditory bombardment

                 C              Phonology  Body part picture cards in                •  Syllable
                                 Syllable      English and Spanish for 1-5              segmentation
                                  Strips       syllable words

                 D              Mini Book   I can do it!                             •  Answer ‘What doing’
                                    #1                                                  questions
                                               ¡Yo sí puedo!
                                                                                     •  Following directions

                                                                                     •  Sequencing
                                                                                     •  Utterance expansion

                 E              Mini Book  All about me!                             •  Following directions
                                               ¡Todo acerca de mí!                   •  Sequencing
                                                                                     •  Utterance expansion

                                                                                     •  Describing

                 F                 Table       Body parts functional                 •  Describing functions
                               Activity #1   relationships                           •  Labeling body parts

                                                                                        and senses
                                                                                     •  Utterance expansion

         Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1      24            Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved.
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