Page 20 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 1 Digital Version
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                                                                                                       7 minutes
                                    Book Discovery (circle time activities)

                                    Place a number of books on the topic around the table.
                                    Encourage students to freely pick any book, look through it,
                                    comment, trade, and show friends what they see.  Tell them
                                    they have two minutes.  At the end, let the students choose
                                    one book that you look through (non-fiction) or read (fiction).


                                     Pre-Activity Setup                                                8 minutes

                                    Empower and challenge students by having them set up for
                                    the activity.  Explain what they will be doing, show an
                                    example, and then ask for helpers to gather crayons, paper,
                                    glue, etc.  Increase the level of difficulty by including
                                    numbers, an order, or descriptions of the materials.


                                     Activity                                                             18-20
                                     Hone in on specific communication goals by working
                                     together and then targeting individual student’s goals while       minutes
                                     the others are finishing minor tasks.  Allow successful
                                     students to demonstrate to friends how to say a sound, follow
                                     instructions, or complete a task.


                                     Post-Activity Review (clean up, homework)

                                     Ask the initial helpers to gather and return the materials they
                                     brought.  Have each student stand, present his work and say        8 minutes
                                     something about it.  They can then carry it to their backpack,
                                     folder, or cubbie.  Reward a student for returning a signed
                                     parent letter to encourage communication and interaction
                                     with the family.

         Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1      19            Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved.
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