Page 144 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 144
Recipe: J
Friendship Fruit Salad FRIENDS
Begin by telling students that the big bowl is like our classroom and
that there are many important things that our room needs, especially
good friends.
As you have the students take turns adding the fruit, explain what
each fruit represents. You can be creative by using different fruits to
talk about the different traits you want to promote in your students.
For example:
-strawberry slices: good helpers and friends inside and outside the
-mandarin oranges: hard workers who always try their best in
everything they do
-pineapple chunks: share and take turns; care about each other
-grapes: kind, sweet words being said in our classroom, such as
“please” and “thank you.” They are also words of encouragement
like “You can do it!”
Materials: large bowl, mixing spoon, plastic cups or small bowls, plastic spoons,
sliced strawberries, grapes, mandarin oranges, pineapple, requesting visual (see
opposite page)
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1 143 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved.