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Course Type: Video – 2 hours

ASHA Subject Code: Ethics and Ethical Decision Making – 7070

Successfully navigate contentious situations when confronted with an ethical dilemma. Learn about the origin of ethics, how professions address ethical issues, and dissect intriguing case studies supplied by speech pathologists.

Have you ever had an ethical question or dilemma arise?

Do you work with clients who speak a language other than English and have concerns about how ethical the services are that they receive?

In this presentation we consider the ASHA Code of Ethics, its relation to multicultural populations, and numerous case studies of SLPs in the field.

Level, Authors, and Disclosures

Financial Disclosure: Ellen Kester, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. Dr. Ellen Kester is the owner of Bilinguistics and receives a salary. Bilinguistics receives royalty payments for online courses.

Non-Financial Disclosure: Ellen Kester does not have any non-financial relationships to disclose.

Financial Disclosure: Scott Prath, M.A., CCC-SLP is a salaried employee of Bilinguistics. Bilinguistics receives royalty payments for online courses.

Non-Financial Disclosure: Scott Prath does not have any non-financial relationships to disclose.

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This course considered ethics from historical and modern perspectives: from Socrates to Serena Williams to Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) in a variety of settings. Professional competence when working with a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) population was discussed as well as issues of supervision, assessment, billing and evidence-based practice.

Participants will:

  • List laws and codes of ethics pertaining to speech language pathologists
  • Describe legal issues that relate to serving a bilingual population
  • Discuss ethical issues related to working with culturally and linguistically diverse populations through the use of case studies
  • Identify sections of the Codes of Ethics that assist in decision-making for case studies

Time-ordered agenda:
05 minutes: Introduction to the topic
15 minutes Origin of the field of ethics and Historical Perspectives
10 minutes: Review laws and codes of ethics pertaining to speech language pathologists
15 minutes: Highlight legal issues in serving a bilingual population
15 minutes: Review of Principle I of the ASHA Code of Ethics followed by related case studies
15 minutes: Review of Principle II of the ASHA Code of Ethics followed by related case studies
15 minutes: Review of Principle III of the ASHA Code of Ethics followed by related case studies.
15 minutes: Review of Principle IV of the ASHA Code of Ethics followed by related case studies.
10 minutes: Identify sections of the Codes of Ethics that assist in decision-making for case studies.
05 minutes: Summary/Review of main points

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