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Course Type: Video – 2 hours

ASHA Course Code: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Education, Training, Service Delivery, Public Policy – 7030

Successfully separate language differences caused by second language influence from true disorder.  Learn about language structures that are affected by bilingualism as well as developmental errors, cross-linguistic errors, and atypical errors.

By understanding how language structures vary and can influence one another, an SLP can make a more informed decision when determining whether a bilingual child is presenting with a language difference or a language disorder.

Level, Authors, and Disclosures

Financial Disclosure: Ellen Kester, Ph.D., CCC-SLP. Dr. Ellen Kester is the owner of Bilinguistics and receives a salary. Bilinguistics receives royalty payments for online courses.

Non-Financial Disclosure: Ellen Kester does not have any non-financial relationships to disclose.

Financial Disclosure: Scott Prath, M.A., CCC-SLP is a salaried employee of Bilinguistics. Bilinguistics receives royalty payments for online courses.

Non-Financial Disclosure: Scott Prath does not have any non-financial relationships to disclose.

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This course discussed bilingual development and highlighted the similarities and differences between the two languages. The goal of the course was to build clinical judgment so that Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are better able to evaluate, treat, and make decisions about children from culturally and linguistically diverse populations.

Participants will:

  • Understand the need for all SLPs to have CLD training
  • Describe a framework for categorizing difference and disorder
  • List three types of errors that children learning two languages can make
  • Identify similarities and differences in typical monolingual and bilingual language development
  • Understand developmental errors, cross-linguistic errors, and atypical errors
  • Describe language structures that are subject to second language influence in second language learners

Time-ordered agenda:
05 minutes: Introduction and course plan
30 minutes: Demographics of the field and the need for understanding diversity
30 minutes: The framework for difference vs. disorder
20 minutes: Differentiating errors that are typical from those that are atypical
30 minutes: Language structures and how they are impacted by influence from another language
05 minutes: Summary

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