Page 4 - Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook Sample 210216
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Routines-Based Early Intervention Guidebook

                                   Using this Guidebook

                                                A Sample Session

                        A  program  is  successful  when  there  is  long‐term  planning,  consistency  across
                 sessions, and progress monitoring.  Collec ng baseline data in the first session and addi onal
                 data  in  each  subsequent  session  is  central  to  this  process.    In the first  session the
                 interven onist  and  the  caregiver  should  work  together  to  complete the baseline  Data
                 Collec on Sheet found at the end of Session 1: Daily Rou ne/La Ru na Diaria (1.4).  Together
                 they can select one daily rou ne on which to focus and record detailed informa on that can
                 be used to monitor the child’s growth in recep ve and expressive language skills from the
                 beginning to the end of the program.  This sheet can also be reproduced to collect baseline
                 data for addi onal daily rou nes that are used throughout the program.  A Data Collec on
                 Sheet should be kept for each rou ne that is presented and should take no more than a few
                 minutes of each session to update.

                        This program allows the interven onist  and  caregivers the flexibility  to  determine
                 which strategies and daily rou nes they will use in the order that is most relevant to the
                 family and the child.  The rest of the daily rou nes do not have to be used in any specific
                 order a er Session 1.  The interven onist can then demonstrate use of the strategy for the
                 caregivers within the daily rou ne and allow them an opportunity to prac ce it themselves.
                 This will lead to a discussion of what the strategy is, how to use it within the context of the
                 daily rou ne, and why it will be helpful for their child.  The interven onist and caregiver can
                 select daily rou nes, important words, and strategies on which they would like to focus.  The
                 Session Record Form can be used to keep track of the rou nes and strategies that are used
                 with the child,  as well  as the goal  for  each session,  and  the  results  that  are  reported  by
                 parents at the beginning of the following session.  In addi on, within each daily rou ne there
                 is a page with ac vity ideas that also serves as a tool for progress monitoring and can be
                 employed to:

                  Record which of the SMILE strategies the caregivers will use to help the child between
                  Determine what new goals, words, and communica on skills the caregivers would like
                    the child to accomplish.
                  Provide  addi onal  sugges ons  for  improving  speech  produc on  through  cueing  or
                    modeling strategies.
                  Serve  as  ‘homework’  for  the  caregivers to  complete between visits and  show to  the
                    therapist in the following session.
                  Make addi onal  notes  about  what  the  caregivers  did  to  help  the  child, how the child
                    responded, and what ques ons the caregivers have about using the strategy.

                        On  the  following page  is an  example  of a therapy session with  a  sample  script.
                 Addi onal copies can be printed for free at www.bilinguis

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