Page 6 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 6

The need to bridge the gap between communica on skills and academic material for children

                with profound disabili es drove our goal to create effec ve interven on units that can address the

                unique needs of several students in the same session.  We needed interven on plans that not only

                contained content consistent with the school-based curriculum, but that could be easily modified,
                both physically and linguis cally.  This was the catapult for the development of our communica on

                units for children with profound disabili es.

                       We have created this book to share our experiences with you.  We constructed and field

                tested a series of curriculum-based sessions that introduce age-appropriate concepts and

                modifica ons for a wide range of disabili es. Our theme-based units make it easy for speech-

                language pathologists and teachers to incorporate the requirements outlined in the Texas Essen al

                Knowledge and Skills and the Common Core Standards curriculum with appropriate modifica ons for
                all students.  These units were created, tested, changed, edited, added to and honed by our team of

                speech-language pathologists.  Now, we want to share them with you.

                Enjoy and watch your students’ communica on skills grow!

                Best Regards,

                The Bilinguis cs Team

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   5      Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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