Page 17 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 17


            Each unit begins with an informa on page that highlights specific language targets, the curriculum

            skills addressed, and a list of songs and materials needed to carryout the ac vi es.  The informa on
            page is a resource that can be shared with the classroom teacher to enhance collabora on.  A

            modifica ons page is also included at the beginning of each unit.  The modifica ons page allows the

            SLP and teacher to plan for diverse student needs within each lesson.  Each unit also includes picture

            cards that can be used during the surprise bag ac vity, a sentence strip, visuals for a related song,
            games, a craT ac vity, and a recipe.

            Each lesson plan highlights the suggested sound targets, a ques on of the day, a story, a story board,
            and comprehension ques ons.  Below you will see a typical lesson plan structure incorpora ng all of

            the components men oned previously.  The first three ac vi es are suggested to be done in a group.

            This is ideal when teachers and/or teacher aides are able to par cipate.  For the following ac vi es, it

            is op onal to split the class into individual therapy sessions and/or small groups depending on

            students’ needs. The lesson plan at the beginning of each unit provides an es mated  me frame for
            each ac vity so you can select an ac vity or set of ac vi es that will work within your  me frame.

                                       LESSON PLAN COMPONENTS

             1. Ques on of the Day

             2. Surprise Bag

             3. Song

             4. Discrete Trial Training (for joint a8en on or specific communica on skills)

             5. Ar cula on Chart

             6. Story

             7. Comprehension Ques ons                               Note:  All ac vi es can be implemented

                                                                     individually or in small groups if they are
             8. Game                                                 not appropriate for all students .

             9. CraT

             10. Recipe

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 1   16    Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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