Page 34 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
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Literacy-Based Speech Language Therapy Activities

                       5. Choose books that align with the curriculum
                       As a young speech pathologist, I was confronted with a caseload that was so large and staggeringly

                       diverse that it nearly brought an immediate end to my early career.  I worked across two campuses
                       with 65 Spanish-speaking students and conducted evaluations on another five campuses.  Twenty-six
                       of my students were in a 3-year-old half day program and many of them had multiple disabilities.
                       What is the best way to continue exposure to what we focused on in therapy when I wasn’t with my


                       Curriculum-based intervention materials can simultaneously enrich language and teach academic
                       concepts.  Choose books or stories that go along with the academic theme.  This way:

                            We give students multiple opportunities to practice their concepts back in the classroom
                            They have the vocabulary to talk about the homework they are showing their parents
                            We make teachers happy because they feel supported

                       Speech Therapy Inclusion – Reaping the Benefits of Working in

                       the Classroom

                       Less than 30% of speech pathologists do speech therapy in the classroom. Yet, classroom-based
                       therapy gives us the opportunity to:

                            Improve our relationships with teachers
                            Have our therapy map directly over academic goals
                            Reduce our therapy planning by using the content and materials that teachers are developing
                              each week

                       But how can we successfully make the transition from independent group therapy to reaping the

                       rewards of collaborating with speech therapy inclusion?

                       6 Models for Co‐teaching in Speech Therapy Inclusion
                       Let's talk about the six models for co-teaching to show how speech and language intervention can
                       overlap with academic needs.

                       One Teaches ‐ One Observes
                       The One Teaches – One Observes model is the most commonly reported model used by SLPs. We
                       do gain information on what is going on in the classroom, but we don’t directly have an impact.

                       Overall, it is a great opportunity to see the grade level content.

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