Page 20 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
P. 20
Literacy-Based Speech Language Therapy Activities
Narrative Elements that are Culturally Specific
Narrative Element Definition Example (3 Little Pigs)
Internal Response An emotional response to The pigs were scared at the
the initiating event prospect of having to leave
Discourse Markers A word or phrase that "well," "now," "then," "you
does not change the know"
meaning of the sentence.
Embedded stories Flashbacks and other cues The pigs had built their houses
that may impact the based on something that had
listener’s experience. happened to their father.
Causal Relations The relationship between The wolf blew the straw house
an event (the cause) and a down so the pig ran as fast as he
second event (the effect). could to his brother’s house.
Causal Chain A series of causal events Story progresses from the straw
that lead from beginning house, then the stick house, and
to end. finally the brick house.
Protagonist Identification Identification of the main Once upon a time there were
protagonist in the story three little pigs…
within the first scene.