Page 18 - Literacy Based Speech Language Therapy Activities Digital Version
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Literacy-Based Speech Language Therapy Activities

                            Poor reading skills have an ongoing, negative influence on vocabulary and language
                              development (Catts and Kamhi, 2005)
                            Reading comprehension skills in third grade were the best predictors of high school
                              dropouts (California Dept. of Education, 2007)
                            Children with language delays are likely to need more frequent instruction that is shorter in
                              duration (Van Daal, J., et al 2007)
                            Language of instruction should be kept at a suitable level of complexity and clarification to
                              better accommodate children’s speed of oral language processing (Rice, Bishop, and
                              Leonard, 2000)

                       2.  Socio-Economic Status (SES) as a factor

                            Children from higher SES homes (due to social, language, and literacy enhancement abilities)
                              are advanced in later reading achievement (Raz and Bryant, 1990)
                            Children from higher SES homes are more successful in making the transition from
                              “learning to read” to “reading to learn” (Campbell, Kelly, and Mullis, 2001)

                       3.  Research looking at Reading Fluency

                            There is a strong relationship between early language and phonological awareness/sensitivity
                              and later reading and spelling development (Treiman, Hulme, and Joshi, 1998)
                            Phonological Awareness:
                                 o  Is a strong predictor of reading fluency, especially in orthographically inconsistent
                                     systems, in which one letter-sound combination can make more than one sound
                                     depending on the context.
                                 o  Is more taxed in orthographically inconsistent systems (e.g. English) than in
                                     orthographically consistent systems (e.g. Spanish, Greek)
                                 o  Phonological awareness and letter naming in Kindergarten predicted at-risk or
                                     typical reading development in Grade 3 for ESL and monolingual students

                       4.  Efficacy of Intervention

                            Engaging children in reciprocal verbal interactions that support the child in producing more
                              linguistically complex dialogues directly facilitates the development of children’s language
                              proficiency and indirectly supports the development of their reading skills
                            Both visual and verbal models of intervention resulted in gains in reading comprehension for
                              adequate decoders/poor “comprehenders” (Carmichael, Callingham, Watson, and Hay,

                       5.  Research Looking at Reading Comprehension
                            Early language development is a precursor and good predictor of children’s early reading
                              development (Teal and Sulzby, 1986)
                            Improving vocabulary and word knowledge is an important part of developing reading
                              comprehension (Linan-Thompson, Vaughn, Prater, and Cirino, 2006)
                            Processing resources, such as working memory, may more strongly influence word learning
                              and reading ability than the availability or knowledge of language structures (Gilliver and
                              Byrne, 2009)
                            Semantic skills at age 3 and phonological awareness at age 6 both predicted reading skills at
                              age 16 (Frost, Mencl, Sandak, Moore, Rueckl, Katz, and Pugh, 2005)

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