Page 13 - CB Speech Therapy Activities Example
P. 13
Lesson Plan Template (pg. 2 of 2)
Theme: __________________________________________ Date:________
10 Phonology Clinician: We are also going to learn 1. Producing words that
min. about saying sounds contain the
_______________. sounds:____________
9:25- ______
9:35 Review picture cards with vocabulary
from book that include phonology target 2. Clapping syllables of
_________. vocabulary words
15 Literacy Center Read the book Label __________
min. _________________________
Answer WH questions
9:35- Expand on what a student is saying by SVO sentence
9:50 adding words to what he says, offering structures
him a good example and asking him to
repeat, and asking him to complete your
sentence: “Clifford is a big ______.”
30 Centers: Each Station 1: Articulation & Listening 1. Sounds:
min. group spends Review articulation cards and discuss _________________
15 minutes at
9:50- correct articulatory placement for bilabial
10:20 each station sounds. (10 min). Target sounds in
(Have teacher
manage one phrases to describe the vocabulary.
Children will then listen to correct models
of __________________ while coloring
Station 2: Language Activity 1. Labeling
(Choose a mini book, table activity, craft, 2. Requesting
recipe or game. You may follow the same 2. Utterance expansion
lesson plan but vary this activity each
day). 3. Following directions
10 Wrap it up and Review the language target and
min. clean up phonological target. Have students put
the parent note in their backpacks.
10:20- Today we learned about__________.
We also talked about sounds we
make ____________________.
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1 21 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved.