Page 12 - CB Speech Therapy Activities Example
P. 12
Lesson Plan Template (pg. 1 of 2)
Theme: __________________________________________ Date:________
Below is an example of a lesson plan for a 2-hour class. Modify this lesson plan as needed to fit
your individual needs, including time in the classroom and student goals.
Time Schedule Activity Goals
20 Circle Time Name recognition: Clinician holds up name Phoneme identification
min. card and kids find the student. Clap syllables of
Greeting/ Syllables
8:30- Attendance each name and focus on initial sounds. Who question
8:50 Clinician: Whose name is on the card?
Where questions
Students: Jacob! Clinician: Where is Jacob?
Joint attention
Students: Over there. Clinician: That’s right.
He is next to Keith. Spatial concepts
Okay, Jacob, where do I put your name? Final /s/
Under the boy or under the girl? Body parts
Clinician: Okay, Jacob, what face parts do SVO sentences
you want me to draw?
Jacob: I want two eyes. I want a nose.
10 Calendar Go over months in a year and then dance the Sequences
min. Macarena while singing the months.
8:50- Review days of the weeks, snap the days of the Categories
9:00 week song.
Verb tense
Review the date. Today is X. Yesterday was
X. Tomorrow will be X.
5 min. Language 1. Label: __________
9:00- Today, we are going to learn about 2. Verb: __________
9:05 _________.
3. Target questions:
5 min. Music Have the students choose between the Expanding utterances:
following songs: “I want + to sing +
9:10 Have the students dance the song, pairing ____”
gestures with key concepts.
15 Surprise Place ______________________________ in a Naming/labeling
min. bag bag. Have the students guess what kind of ________
animals are in the bag. Today we are
9:10- talking about _______. What do you Following directions
think is in the bag?
Pass the bag around and use the same
sequence instruction for each student. Close
your eyes. Put your hand in the bag.
Take out your surprise.
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