Page 29 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 29
Articulation Station B
Use these words during any of the structured
activities or in homework assignments to target ME
a child’s goals.
M mano, mejillas, medicina, tomar, comer
P pie, pelo, peine, pierna, pestaña, pecho, cuerpo
B bostezar, bailar, brincar, besar, brazo, boca, barbilla, bufanda
K comer, cuerpo, correr, cantar, cuidar, cabello, corazón, comida,
G gustar, guiñar, gustoso, garganta, ganador, gordo
T tos, tomar, tocar, toalla, tobillo, triste, contento
D dedo, dormir, decir, derecha, dientes, cuidar,
F flaco, falda, frente, feliz
S sed, saltar, sentar, sangre, sueño, soplar, sonreír, izquierda,
L lengua, lentes, labios, lamer
R ropa, reír, rubia, rizado, rodilla, sonreír
Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 1 28 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved.