Page 14 - Difference or Disorder Digital Version
P. 14


                                 The Framework

                          Both linguistic and cultural knowledge are critically important when working with

                   families and children from different language backgrounds. Linguistic information, the sound

                   and language systems, and cultural knowledge must be taken into account when determining

                   appropriate educational targets.  This information further aids decisions about whether the

                   errors of an English language learner are typical errors or whether those errors are indicative

                   of a language learning disorder. The framework for error analysis provides parents, teachers,

                   and  other  educators  with  an  effective  process  for  making  this  distinction.  The  concept

                   supporting the framework is simple: if sounds or structures exist in both languages, they

                   should not be affected in second language production; if sounds or structures do not exist in

                   both languages, the influence of one language on another can be expected. The goal then is

                   to understand the different sound systems and structures of a language in order to identify

                   which errors are of true concern.

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