Page 192 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 192

Song                                     6

                                                                                               SEASONS AND SKY

                Song AcCvity: Months of the Year/Meses del año

                Suggested goals to target:

                         Labeling months of the year

                         Sequencing
                         Categorizing months into seasons


                           Use a6ached visual cues.
                           Teach vocabulary/concepts prior to the song, reinforce concepts during the song, and

                            review concepts aUer the song.

                           Iden fy and label targeted vocabulary when learning the song’s lyrics.
                           Ask and answer Wh– ques ons, such as, “When is (holiday)?”

                           Iden fy and/or label sequencing concepts, such as “First/last.”

                           Encourage and facilitate par cipa on in group ac vi es.

                           Increase and maintain a6en on to group ac vi es.

                 Suggested acCviCes:

                          Review sequencing of the song with en re class by poin ng to months of the year
                           (e.g. “January, February, March…”).

                          Cut out months, laminate and place Velcro on pictures of seasons in order for
                           students to be able to select an answer to the ques on, “When is it winter  me?”

                           “What season is it in January?’”  Ideally, months should go around the seasons in a
                           circular pa6ern indica ng con nuity.

         Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2   191    Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved
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