Page 116 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Vol 2 Digital Version
P. 116
Song 5
Song AcCvity: Color Farm
Colores en la Granja
Suggested goals to target:
Label animals and colors
Match colors
Use descriptor + noun
Use a6ached visual cues.
Teach concepts prior to the song, reinforce concepts during the song, and review concepts aUer
the song.
Iden fy and label targeted vocabulary when learning the song’s lyrics.
Ask and answer ques ons, such as “What animal is black?”
Sequence animals in the song (e.g. Which animal was first, next…?).
Encourage and facilitate par cipa on in group ac vi es.
Increase and maintain a6en on to group ac vi es.
Suggested acCviCes:
Review the animals and the colors with the en re class.
Compare colors with students’ clothing. (e.g. “Who is wearing a purple shirt?”).
Ask ques ons (e.g. “Have you ever seen a purple cow?”).
Cut and place Velcro on pictures of animals with cards that are the same color as the animal so
that students can work on matching and describing skills.
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 2 115 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved