Page 95 - Lifeskills Lesson Plans Volume 1 Digital Version
P. 95
English Ar cula on Words
Story 2: We Are the Same, We Are
P play, playing, puzzles, apple
N and, end, blonde, in, on, different, friends, brown, turns, an, banana
M Maria, comes, same
B ball, banana, black, blonde, brown, blue, boy, bus
K Carlos, school, car, comes, cafeteria, black, likes, take
G go, girl, together, playing
T to, tall, together, take, turns, cafeteria, different, eat, at, sort
D different, friends, blond, and, end
F friends, cafeteria, different
S same, school, bus, likes, Carlos
L lunch, likes, play, black, Carlos, puzzles, apple, school, girl, tall, ball
R brown, friends, different, Maria, Carlos, turns, girl, short, car, hair
Z Friends, comes, is, has, eyes, turns, puzzles
Life Skills Speech and Language Enrichment Ac vi es Vol 1 94 Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis All Rights Reserved